Principles of model development & solution for environmental systems (e.g. atmospheric pollution, river & estuarine water quality, soil- and ground-water flow & contamination); dispersion in the environment; lumped & distributed parameter models; model case studies.
#2 (2L1T) 1st semester, Internal. Pre: CIVL3130. Recommended : CIVL3140.
Assessment: Field works, Projects & Final examination.
Course profile {}.
Subject rationale: In open channel hydraulics, the needs arise to predict the mixing and dispersion of contaminants. For example, during an accidental release of waste occurs in a streams, the water resource scientist needs to predict the arrival time of the contaminant cloud, the peak concentration of solute and the duration of the pollution. The subject presents the basic concepts of mixing and dispersion in rivers. It is aimed to undergraduate students who have a solid background in fluid mechanics in hydraulics.
Subject goals: At the end of the course, the student will have gained some basic understanding in turbulent mixing and dispersion in rivers, as well as a series of pre-design tools to estimate contaminant dispersion in river systems.
Assumed background: Pre-requisite : Fluid Mechanics CIVL3130. Recommended : Open Channel Hydraulics CIVL3140
Download Bibliographic references and Schedule on Section on Mixing and Dispersion in Rivers (26/02/2002)
+ CHANSON, H. (2004). "Environmental Hydraulics of Open Channel Flows." Elsevier-Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 483 pages (ISBN 978 0 7506 6165 2). Order form
Chapter 1 : Introduction to open channel flows, pp. 1-9 (PDF version at EprintsUQ)
Chapter 5 : Diffusion: Basic Theory, pp. 65-74 (PDF version at EprintsUQ)
+ CHANSON, H. (2002). "Turbulent Mixing and Dispersion in Streams and Estuaries: an Introduction." Lecture Notes, Subject CIVL4140, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Queensland, Australia, 138 pages. UPDATES and CORRECTIONS.+ FISCHER, H.B., LIST, E.J., KOH, R.C.Y., IMBERGER, J., and BROOKS, N.H. (1979). "Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters." Academic Press, New York, USA.
+ RUTHERFORD, J.C. (1994). "River Mixing." John Wiley, Chichester, USA, 347 pages.
+ CHANSON, H. (2004). "The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow : An Introduction." Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd edition, Oxford, UK, 630 pages (ISBN 978 0 7506 5978 9). Order form
Chapter 1 : Introduction, pp. 3-8. (PDF version at EprintsUQ)
+ CHANSON, H. (1999). "The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow : An Introduction." Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 512 pages (ISBN 0 340 74067 1). {Support website :} Corrections & UpdatesSpanish edition : "Hidraulica Del Flujo De Canales Abiertos", McGraw Hill Interamericana, División Universidad, Columbia (ISBN: 958-410-256-7).
Chinese edition : Hydrology Bureau of Yellow River Conservancy Committee, March 2003 (ISBN 7-80621-529-8).
Review : "Without a doubt, this is the best introduction to the hydraulics of open channel flow that I have yet to read." Professor S.N. LANE, University of Leeds, Environmental Conservation, Volume 27 2000, Issue 3, pp 314-315. {Read Full Review}
+ Introduction to Catchment Hydraulics, CIVL3140 website
+ Advanced Hydraulics, CIVL4120 website
+ Softwares : HydroChan & HydroCulv by Hydrotools software (For teaching purposes only)Joe Sippel weir, Murgon QLD
Mixing and dispersion
Contents, Glossary (download PDF file HERE)
Turbulent shear flows
Diffusion : basic theory
Advective diffusion
Turbulent dispersion and mixing.
Turbulent dispersion and mixing.
Turbulent jets and plumes
References, Assignments, Solutions
Mixing and dispersion in rivers and estuaries
Tutorials No. 1, 2 & 3 (Version 21/2/03) Download PDF file.
Previous years
Tutorial No. 1 (version 6/3/02) Download WORD file
Tutorial No. 2 (version 16/4/02, 2:00pm) Download WORD file
Tutorial No. 3 (version 16/4/02, 2:00pm) Download WORD file
2003/2 Field study - Mixing and dispersion in rivers and estuary
Field works took place on Friday 4 April 2003 at Eprapah Creek, Redlands. (The field study is compulsory.) Measurements were performed between 6:00am and 6:00pm to survey the hydraulic engineering, biology and ecology of the estuarine zone.
See Hydraulic, Environmental and Ecological Assessment of a Sub-tropical Estuary in Eastern Australia.
General Instructions PDF format (Preliminary version).
Fish sampling (Preliminary version).
Bird & wildlife list (Final version).
Photographs : Koala in Point Halloran conservation park on 20 Jan. 2003. Sea eagle above Eprapah Creek on 18 Mar. 2003.
Hydraulics/water quality survey form (Final version).
Bird survey form (Final version).
Fauna/Wildlife survey form No. 1 & Fauna/Wildlife survey form No. 2 (Final version)..
Fish survey form (Preliminary version).
Weather forecast BoM {}
Queensland weather forecast {}
Tide predictions {}
Astronomical Information, Geoscience Australia {}
Brownies Coastwatch (Qld) {}
Birds of Queesnland {}
Ocean outfalls (Clean Ocean) {}
Resources on Eprapah Creek
Qld EPA water quality monitoring {}
Eprapah Creek Catchment Landcare Association Inc. (ECCLA) {}
Waterwatch {}
The Charles S. Snow Scout Environmental trainig Centre {}
An assessment of Eprapah Creek health {}
Photographs of the field trip on Friday 4 April 2003
Site No. 1 : Photo No. 1 : Group 1 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 7:30am. Photo No. 2 : Group 1 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 12:00noon.
Site No. 2 : Photo No. 1 : Group 2 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 8:30am. Photo No. 2 : Group 2 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 2:30pm.
Site No. 2B : Photo No. 1 : ADV and YSI probe mounted 50cm beneath the free-surface on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 10:00am.
Site No. 3 : Photo No. 1 : Group 3 on Fri 4 April 2003 around 11:00am. Photo No. 2 : Group 3 on Fri 4 Apr 2003.
Site No. 4 : Photo No. 1 : Group 4 on Fri 4 April 2003 at 7:02am. Photo No. 2 : Group 4 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 10:30am.
EPA boat : Photo No. 1 : Qld EPA boat conducting a vertical profile at Site 3 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 11:00am.
Wildflife : Photo No. 1 : Koala next to Site 1 on Fri 4 Apr 2003 around 5:00pm. . Photo No. 2 : Koala in Point Halloran Conservation Area on 20 Jan. 2003. Photo No. 3 : Sea eagle above Eprapah Creek on 18 Mar. 2003 at Site No. 2.
Photo No. 50 : Students and EPA boat at Site 2 around the middle of the day (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 2). Photo No. 51 : water quality observations at Site 2 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 2). Photo No. 52 : bird watching at Site 2 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 2). Photo No. 53 : fish dip netting at Site 2 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 2). Photo No. 54 : dissolved oxygen testing at Site 2 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 2). Photo No. 55 : measurement preparation on the bank (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 2).
Photo No. 60 : Students at Site 1 discussing with Waterwatch people (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 3). Photo No. 61 : surface slick at Site 3 durign the flood flow (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 3). Photo No. 62 : Low tide at Site 3, note bank erosion (right bank) (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 3). Photo No. 63 : Site 3 students during the afternoon (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 3).
Photo No. 70 : Upstream snag at Site 4 (Platypus pool) (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 4). Photo No. 71 : Group work at Site 4 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 4). Photo No. 72 : student fishing at Site 4 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 4). Photo No. 73 : fishing at Site 4 in front of ECCLA people (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 4). Photo No. 74 : students at Site 4 (Courtesy of CIVL4140 Student Group 4).
Rating : [***] = superb, must see - [**] = excellentGeneral
Rivers Seen from Space [**]
Structurae, International Database and Gallery of Structures [**]Qanats : an historical account [*]
Gallery of Photographs in Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering and Engineering History
ASME Database (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
The Formal Water Garden
Basic Fluid DynamicsUnesco Photobank [**]
Gallery of photographs in fluid dynamics by Mark Kramer [**]Atmosphere
The Morning Glory : amazing waves [**]Mixing and dispersion
Mixing in estuarine zones
Inlets on-line (USACE) [**]Deep sea currents / Oceanic circulation
Estuaries in South Africa [*]
University of Washington PALACE Floats {} [**]Coastal engineering
Scripps Dive into Science {}TOPEX/Poseidon Mission {} [***]
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography {http;//}
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) {}
Gallery of photographs of coastal processes {}Hydrology/Weather
Great Barrier Reef, National Geographic {}
Oceanic turbulence around Japanese islands {}
Tide predictions : Australia - Worldwide (in French) - Wordlwide (in English)
Brownies Coastwatch (Qld) {}
Photographs of tidal bores { bores, mascaret, pororoca}
The tidal bore of the Seine river {}Whirlpools {}
Tsunamis {}
Tidal links {}
National Weather Service Office of HydrologyRiver engineering
El Niño Information in California
Extreme reservoir siltation in Australia
The tidal bore of the Seine riverWater quality issues
Artifical river habitats and fish passes (photographs)
Flood plains (photographs)Weirs and small dams on the Kent river (UK) [**]
Computational modelling in hydraulics
SoftwaresHydrochan (TM) [**] Gradually-varied flows (1D) (for teaching purposes ONLY)
US Army Corps of Engineers HEC Softwares
Chicago Calumet waterway: sidestream aeration cascadesAustralian
Petit-saut dam (French Guyana): aeration cascade
Petit-Saut dam : photographs, dam detailsThe Aral sea
Photographs { plains}
NASA Earth Observatory (1)(2)
TETHYS (Kazakhstan) and JRAK (Japan) Ecological expedition {}
Trip in Uzbekistan {}
Bureau of MeteorologyResources
Goulburn-Murray Water
Hydro-Electric Corporation (Tasmania)
Murray-Darling Basin Commission
NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation
QLD Department of Natural Resources [Water, Storages] [Glossary of terms]
University of Queensland LibraryThis page was visited xxx times between 27-12-1999. and June 2012Measurement systems : SI Units and significant figures
Internet resources in Hydraulic Engineering : rubber dams, tidal bore, reservoir siltation, MEL culverts ...
ICEnet: The Institution of Civil Engineers, UK Homepage
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers Homepage
ASME - American Society of Mechanical EngineersENPC - Ponts et Chaussees
IAHR homepage (International Association for Hydraulic Research)US Geological Survey
Civil Engineering Resources on the Internet (
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