Swimming in Turbulent Waters
H., and
LENG, X.(2021). "Fish Swimming in Turbulent Waters. Hydraulics Guidelines
to assist Upstream Fish Passage in Box Culverts." CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Leiden,
The Netherlands, 202 pages and 19 video movies
(DOI: 10.1201/9781003029694) (ISBN 978-0-367-46573-5 [Hardback];
978-1-003-02969-4 [e-book]).
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19 video movies
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Low-level river crossings, including culverts, are important for delivering
a range of valuable socio-economic services, including transportation and
hydrological control. These structures are also known to have negative
impacts on freshwater river system morphology and ecology, including the
blockage of upstream fish passage, particularly weak-swimming fish species.
Given the enormous environmental problems created by road crossings, new
guidelines are proposed for fish-friendly multi-cell box culvert designs.
The focus of these guidelines is on smooth box culverts without
appurtenance, with a novel approach based upon three basic concepts: (I) the
culvert design is optimised for fish passage for small to medium water
discharges, and for flood capacity for larger discharges, (II) low-velocity
zones are provided along the wetted perimeter in the culvert barrel, and
quantified in terms of a fraction of the wetted flow area where the local
longitudinal velocity is less than a characteristic fish speed linked to
swimming performances of targeted fish species, and (III) the culvert barrel
is smooth, without any other form of boundary treatment and appurtenance.
The approach relies upon an accurate physically-based knowledge of the
entire velocity field in the culvert barrel, specifically the longitudinal
velocity map, given that behavioural observations showed that fish prefer to
swim upstream in low-velocity zones (LVZs) next to the walls and bottom
corners. While the focus of the guidelines is on the upstream passage of
weak-swimming fish, including small-bodied native fish species and juvenile
of larger fish, the approach and methodology are relevant to most standard
box culvert structures. The present monograph develops a number of practical
considerations, in particular relevant to box culvert operations for
less-than-design discharges. It is argued that upstream fish passage
capabilities would imply a revised approach to maintenance, in part linked
to the targeted fish species. Ultimately the design of a culvert structure
intended to be constructed should require the certification of a
professional civil engineer.
Keywords: Standard box culverts, Upstream fish passage, Hydraulic
engineering, Design guidelines, Small-body-mass weak-swimming fish,
Low-velocity zones, Smooth culvert barrel.
Corrections &
Review papers
CHANSON, .H., LENG, X., and WANG, H. (2021). "Challenging
Hydraulic Structures of the 21st Century - From Bubbles, Transient
Turbulence to Fish Passage." Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Invited
Vision Paper, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 21-35 (DOI:
10.1080/00221686.2020.1871429) (ISSN 0022-1686). (PDF file) (Preprint at UQeSpace)
LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2020). "
Hybrid modelling of low velocity zones in box culverts to assist fish
passage: Why simple is better!" River Research and Applications,
Vol. 36, No. 9, Review Paper, pp. 1765-1777 (DOI:
10.1002/rra.3710) (ISSN 1535-1467). (PDF
file) (Preprint
at UQeSpace)
Novel research on
Small corner baffles
(2020). "Modelling Small Ventilated Corner Baffles for Box Culvert Barrel."
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 433-457 (DOI:
10.1007/s10652-019-09680-2) (ISSN 1567-7419 [Print] 1573-1510 [Online]).
file) (Preprint
at UQeSpace)
LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2020). "How
Full-Height Sidewall Baffles affect Box Culvert Capacity: Balancing Fish
Passage and Discharge Requirements." Australasian Journal of Water
Resources, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 248-256 (DOI:
10.1080/13241583.2020.1824367) (ISSN 13241583). (PDF file) (Preprint at UQeSpace)
LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2020). "Asymmetrical Wall Baffles to
Assist Upstream Fish Passage in Box Culvert: Physical Modeling." Journal
of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 146, No. 12, Paper
04020037, 10 pages (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001514) (ISSN 0733-9437
[Print]; ISSN: 1943-4774 [online]). (PDF file) (Preprint at UQeSpace)
LI, Y., and CHANSON, H. (2020). "Hydrodynamic Instabilities in
Open-Channel Flow past Lateral Cavities." Proceedings of 22nd
Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, Australia,
7-10 December, Published by The University of Queensland, Editors H. CHANSON
and R. BROWN, Paper 26, 4 pages (DOI: 10.14264/4bf0316) (ISBN
978-1-74272-341-9). (Deposit
at UQeSpace)
Longitudinal rib
BRANDIS-MARTINI, J., and CHANSON, H. (2020). "Hybrid Modelling of Low
Velocity Zones in an Asymmetrical Channel with Sidewall Longitudinal Rib to
Assist Fish Passage." River Research and Applications, Vol. 36, No.
5, pp. 807-818 (DOI: 10.1002/rra.3600) (ISSN 1535-1467). (PDF file) (Preprint at
SANCHEZ, P.X., LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2021). "Hydrodynamics
and Secondary Currents in an Asymmetrical Rectangular Canal with Streamwise
Beam." Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 88-99 (DOI:
10.1080/00221686.2020.1714761) (ISSN 0022-1686). (PDF file) (Preprint at UQeSpace)
Novel research on pipe
pipe culverts
CHANSON, H. (2020). "Low Velocity Zone in Smooth
Pipe Culvert with and without Streamwise Rib for Fish Passage." Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 146, No. 9, Paper 04020059, 10
pages (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001789) (ISSN 0733-9429). (PDF file) (Preprint
at UQeSpace)
Unsteady flow and surges
(2020). "Unsteady Surge Characteristics in Semi-Circular Channels." Proceedings
of 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane,
Australia, 7-10 December, Published by The University of Queensland, Editors
H. CHANSON and R. BROWN, Paper 25, 4 pages (DOI: 10.14264/805a21a) (ISBN
978-1-74272-341-9). (Deposit
at UQeSpace)
performances of small fish
M.A. (1994). "Influence of Flow Turbulence on Critical Flow Velocity for
Gudgeon (Gobio gobio)." Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 336, pp.
215-217. (Translated from DokladyAkademii Nauk, ~l. 336, No. 1, 1994, pp.
HURST, T.P., KAY, B.H., RYAN, P.A., and BROWN, M.D.
(2007). "Sublethal effects of mosquito larvicides on swimming performances
of larvivorous fish Melanotaenia duboulayi (Atheriniformes:
Melanotaeniidae)." J Econ Entomol, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp. 61–65.
KAPITZKE, I.R. (2010). "Culvert Fishway Planning and
Design Guidelines." Report. James Cook University, Townsville,
Australia, version 2.0.
KOEHN, J.D., and CROOK, D.A. (2013). "Movements and
migration." In:Humphries P, Walker K (eds) Ecology of Australian Freshwater
Fishes. CSIRO Publishing, Australia, pp 105–130.
CONSUEGRA, S., JONES, J.A.H., and GARCIA de LEANIZ, C. (2020). "One size
does not fit all: inter- and intraspecific variation in the swimming
performance of contrasting freshwater fish." Conservation Physiology,
Vol. 8, Vol. 1, 12 pages (DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coaa126).
Audiovisual references
Fish-friendly waterways and culverts - Integration of hydrodynamics and fish
turbulence interplay & interaction - {}
Challenging hydraulic engineering of the 21st century - {}
Useful Links
Inline with the recommendations of the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
(Australia), Hubert CHANSON declares a competing interest and conflict of
interest with Craig E. FRANKLIN.
CHANSON is a Professor in Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering and
Environmental Fluid Mechanics at the University
of Queensland, Australia. His research interests include design of
hydraulic structures, experimental investigations of two-phase flows,
applied hydrodynamics, hydraulic engineering, water quality modelling,
environmental fluid mechanics, estuarine processes and natural resources. He
has been an active consultant for both governmental agencies and private
organisations. His publication record includes over 950 international
refereed papers and his work was cited over 6,000 times (WoS) to 21,500
times (Google
Scholar) since 1990. His h-index is 42 (WoS), 45 (Scopus) and 72 (Google
Scholar), and he is ranked among the 150 most cited researchers in
civil engineering in Shanghai’s
Global Ranking of Academics. Hubert Chanson is the author of twenty
books, including "Hydraulic Design of
Stepped Cascades, Channels, Weirs and Spillways" (Pergamon,
1995), "Air Bubble Entrainment in
Free-Surface Turbulent Shear Flows" (Academic
Press, 1997), "The Hydraulics of
Open Channel Flow: An Introduction" (Butterworth-Heinemann,
1st edition 1999, 2nd
editon 2004), "The Hydraulics of Stepped
Chutes and Spillways" (Balkema, 2001),
"Environmental Hydraulics of
Open Channel Flows" (Butterworth-Heinemann,
2004), "Tidal
Bores, Aegir, Eagre, Mascaret, Pororoca: Theory And Observations" (World
Scientific, 2011), "Applied
an Introduction" (CRC
Press, 2014). He co-authored three further books "Fluid Mechanics for
Ecologists" (IPC Press, 2002), "Fluid Mechanics for Ecologists.
Student Edition" (IPC, 2006) and "Fish Swimming in Turbulent Waters. Hydraulics Guidelines
to assist Upstream Fish Passage in Box Culverts" (CRC Press 2021). His textbook "The Hydraulics
of Open Channel Flows: An Introduction" has already been translated
into Spanish (McGraw-Hill
Interamericana) and Chinese (Hydrology Bureau of Yellow River
Conservancy Committee), and the second
edition was published in 2004. In 2003, the IAHR
presented him with the 13th Arthur Ippen Award
for outstanding achievements in hydraulic engineering. The American Society
of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (ASCE-EWRI)
presented him with the 2004 award for the Best Practice paper in the Journal
of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ("Energy
and Air Entrainment in Stepped Storm Waterway" by Chanson and Toombes
2002) and the 2018 Honorable Mention Paper Award for "Minimum Specific Energy
and Transcritical Flow in Unsteady Open-Channel Flow" by Castro-Orgaz
and Chanson (2016) in the ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
Engineering. The Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) presented him the 2018
Baker Medal. In 2018, he was inducted a Fellow of the Australasian
Fluid Mechanics Society. Hubert Chanson edited further several books :
"Fluvial, Environmental and Coastal
Developments in Hydraulic Engineering" (Mossa, Yasuda & Chanson
2004, Balkema), "Hydraulics.
Next Wave" (Chanson & Macintosh 2004, Engineers
Australia), "Hydraulic
a Challenge to Engineers and Researchers" (Matos & Chanson 2006, The University of Queensland), "Experiences
and Challenges in Sewers: Measurements and Hydrodynamics" (Larrate
& Chanson 2008, The University of
Queensland), "Hydraulic
Useful Water Harvesting Systems or Relics?" (Janssen & Chanson
2010, The University of Queensland),
and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World" (Valentine et al. 2011, Engineers Australia), "Hydraulic
Structures and Society – Engineering Challenges and Extremes" (Chanson
and Toombes 2014, University of
Queensland), "Energy
in Hydraulic Structures" (Chanson 2015, IAHR
Monograph, CRC Press). He chaired the Organisation of the 34th
IAHR World Congress held in Brisbane, Australia between 26 June and 1
July 2011. He chaired the Scientific Committee of the 5th
IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures held in Brisbane
in June 2014. He co-chaired the Organisation of the 22nd Australasian Fluid
Mechanics Conference held as a hybrid format in Brisbane, Australia on 6-10
December 2020.
His Internet home page is
He also developed a gallery of photographs website {}
that received more than 2,000 hits per month since inception.
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Last updated on 14/02/2021.
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