Hubert Chanson 
M.E., ENSHM Grenoble, INSTN Saclay, PhD (Cant.), DEng (Qld)
Eur. Ing (Group 1), MIEAust, MIAHR
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Applied Fluid Mechanics
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia

E-mail: - Tel: +61 7 3365 3516 -Fax: +61 7 3365 4599
Hinze dam stepped spillway stilling basin
About Prof Chanson Biography, Awards, Membership 2023 ASCE-EWRI award   for Best Discussion in Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
2020, 2021 & 2023
ASCE-EWRI Oustanding Reviewer Award  in Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
2004 ASCE-EWRI award  for Best Practice Paper in Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
13th Ippen Award IAHR 2003
Teaching Teaching activities, Undergraduate research projectsPostgraduate research projects  

Hubert Chanson Youtube channel

Research activities - Research indicators
Publications : Books, Journals articles, Conference papers, Discussion papers, Others. REPRINTS.
Postgraduate research projects
Consultancy Hydraulic design, Spillways, Air-water flows, Engineering heritage Internet Resources in Hydraulic Engineering
External activities Reviews, Editorial, Professional involvement
What's New !
INTERNET RESOURCES in Hydraulic Engineering
Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland
UQ Library
2023 ASCE-EWRI award   for Best Discussion in Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
2020, 2021 & 2023 Outstanding Reviewer,
American Society of Civil Engineers
2018 Fellow, Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society
ASCE-EWRI award for best practice paper in Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (PDF file at UQeSpace)
13th Ippen Award IAHR 2003 (PDF file at UQeSpace)
"Hydraulics and Energy Dissipation on Stepped Spillways - Prototype and Laboratory Experiences" Water Disaster Mitigation and Water Environment Regulation WDWE2021 (PDF file) (Presentation)
"Bubbles, transient turbulence and fish. Challenging hydraulic structures of the 21st century" 38th IAHR Word Congress (PDF file)
"Embankment Dam Spillways and Energy Dissipators." Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs II - PKW 2013 (PDF file)"
"Undular Bores" Arabian Coast 2010 (PDF file)
 "Hydraulic Engineering in Roman Times: from Hydraulic Structures to Water Conveyance" Kanazawa 2010 (PDF file)

"Digital Publishing, Ethics and Hydraulic Engineering: the Elusive or 'Boring' Bore?" 2nd IJREWHS'08 (PDF file)
More ....

The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: an Introduction The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: an Introduction, 2nd edition, Butterworth-Heinemman, 2004, Read more  "Without a doubt, this is the best introduction to the hydraulics of open channel flow", Professor LANE, University of Leeds | "One cannot miss the tremendous enthusiasm the author has for hydraulic engineering", Professor RAJARATNAM, University of Alberta

This page is maintained by Prof H. Chanson | Last updated: 30/12/2024
More than 92,000 visitors between January 1999 and June 2012.

  Applied Hydrodynamics: An Introduction 2014 Energy Dissipation in Hydraulic Structures  Tidal bores  Applied HydrodynamicsThe Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: an IntroductionEnvironmental hydraulics of open channel flowThe Hydraulics of Stepped Chutes and SpillwaysThe Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: an IntroductionAir bubble entrainment in turbulent shear flowsHydraulic design of stepped cascades, channels, weirs and spillways  McGraw-Hill Interamericana 13th Ippen award (IAHR)